Gold Coast Landscape Lighting

Gold Coast Lighting
why us

Even the best design doesn’t insure the best installation…..unless your system is installed by us. 

Painstaking care…attention to detail…respect for your property; three traits which have propelled our growth over nearly thirty years.  Our technicians are fully trained, uniformed and insured.  Our vehicles are clean, identified and equipped with the right parts and materials so we spend more time on your project and complete your lighting system on time.

Meet our team

Teamwork makes the dream work.


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John Frank


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

John Frank

Why Choose us

We are Experts

Our experience and ‘know how’ insures your lighting system will be installed for years of beautiful use.

  • Installation Is Prompt
  • Attention To Detail is Standard
  • Respect Of Your Property A Priority
  • Our Vehicles Are Fully Signed And Equipped To Get The Job Done Right and Right Now