Gold Coast Landscape Lighting

Gold Coast Lighting

Our Services

Innovative lighting designed to enhance and protect

Turning Houses into Homes

Most clients tell us we’ve ‘doubled the value’ of their residence.  While we certainly agree landscape lighting increases the value of your home we were not quite sure what they meant until we asked…What we found is the homeowner now enjoys their residence as much by night as they do by day.  In fact, many tell us they get so many compliments about their lighting system. 

What We Do

At Gold Coast Landscape Lighting, we specialize in creating captivating lighting solutions tailored to enhance any environment.

Think of us as the architects of your landscape lighting system.

Lamps we educate ourselves so we can offer you the very best in...

Our technicians are fully trained, uniformed and insured.

We repair most any kind of lighting system no matter who installed it.

Twice annually we visit your residence and perform routine maintenance.

Enhance your outdoor space with expanded lighting or energy-efficient LED upgrades.

Enlightening the World with Sustainable Solutions

Brightening the World with Sustainable Solutions. We’re dedicated to providing innovative lighting that enhances lives while protecting our planet.

Why Choose us

Transforming Spaces with Professional Lighting Design

From the simple to the complex we design, light and service each project with sophistication and professionalism.  We are experts at lighting architectural and landscape assets. We stand behind each project and our reputation is, after all, your assurance of quality and longevity.  Imagine the Possibilities.

  • Lighting Experties for Architectural and Landscape Assets
  • "Double" the value of Your Residence
  • Simple to Sophisticated
  • Imagine the Possibilities.

What they say about us